Tag: qigong

Qi Gong Class Update!

Autumn is here and so is the pacific northwest chill!  Qi Gong class will be held indoors at Morning Light Yoga studio located at 1319 N Government Way, in Coeur d’Alene. Master Larry Wong will be visiting in …

Qi Gong class will resume September 13th!

Due to smoke and fires in the surrounding areas, the air quality has been classified as unhealthy.  Qi gong class will be cancelled for September 6th and resume the following Wednesday at the same day and time in …

Qi Gong Classes Starting February 2017!

Qi Gong is a form of movement, breathing, meditation, and positive intention to improve one’s health!  Detailed instruction on the movements of Qi Gong, chinese medical theory, common health conditions Qi Gong can address, and seasonal health tips …

Tai Chi lowers blood pressure as effective as medication

Tai Chi is an ancient art of gentle movement and mental focus. It has a long history in China, originally as a martial art and now as a longevity health practice. Known for the flowing and soft movements …