Pain Resolution
Pain is considered an imbalance in Chinese medicine. It may be due to blocked circulation, over-use, trauma, exhaustion, longterm illness, or over exposure to the elements. Acupuncture is utilized to remove these blockages and restore normal circulation to the area of discomfort. Pain relief is usually felt during the acupuncture session. Each person is individually assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Fertility has become a common concern in the United States. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine has a long empirical history of addressing women’s health. Our acupuncture clinic in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, offers a comprehensive review of your fertility situation. We cover western diagnostics, lifestyle, nutrition, and herbal medicine. http://www.drmontegores.com/fertility/
Cancer Support
Cancer is the number one cause of death in the United States. 1.6 million people are diagnosed each year with some form of cancer. Almost 80% of cancers are diagnosed in people over age 55. Understandably, Cancer is a very difficult diagnosis to deal with emotionally and physically. Chinese medicine can offer some hope and insight into this condition. Acupuncture is commonly used as an adjunct therapy to cancer treatments. One of the premier Oncology centers in the United States, Sloan-Kettering Memorial Hospital in New York, utilizes Acupuncture in their cancer protocols on a routine basis. Coeur d’Alene Acupuncture specializes in the complementary support of cancer treatments using acupuncture and TCM.
Optimal Health
Longevity & Health is a central pillar of Chinese Medicine. Preventing disease is more important and more effective than treating disease. In ancient China, a doctor was paid on a monthly basis for preventive medicine. If a client became sick, the doctor was not paid. While this is no longer the system in place, it clearly illustrates the importance of regular treatments and disease prevention in the traditional Chinese medical practice. In Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, Dr. Gores strongly promotes optimal health through acupuncture and TCM. http://www.drmontegores.com/optimal-health/