Pain Resolution

Pain is considered an imbalance in Chinese medicine. It may be due to blocked circulation, over-use, trauma, exhaustion, longterm illness, or over exposure to the elements. Acupuncture is utilized to remove these blockages and restore normal circulation to the area of discomfort. Pain relief is usually felt during the acupuncture session. Each person is individually assessed on a case-by-case basis at our clinic in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Some pain syndromes may just take one session, while others may take several acupuncture treatments.

Acupuncture is most commonly known for pain management and pain resolution in America. Many clinical studies have proven Acupuncture’s efficacy in treating lower back pain and knee pain. Acupuncture works effectively by increasing the peripheral circulation to the area of pain to decreasing the local inflammation. Endorphins are also stimulated in the process to reduce the sensation of pain in the area.  Dr. Gores has received specialized training in treating acute and chronic pain with acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine.