Optimal Health
Longevity & Health is a central pillar of Chinese Medicine. Preventing disease is more important and more effective than treating disease. In ancient China, a doctor was paid on a monthly basis for preventive medicine. If a client became sick, the doctor was not paid. While this is no longer the system in place, it clearly illustrates the importance of regular treatments and disease prevention in the traditional Chinese medical practice.
Proper nutrition, exercise, herbal treatments, Qi Gong, and regular Acupuncture treatments can prevent many common ailments. http://www.drmontegores.com/qi-gong-classes-starting-february-2017/
While this requires an active effort on the part of the client, with consistent treatment there are certain techniques in Chinese Medicine that empower the human body to prevent disease, slow the aging process, and reduce the exposure of genetic predispositions to certain disorders. At Dr. Gores’s Acupuncture clinic, in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, we use extensive training in Qi Gong, Herbal Tonics, nutrition, TCM, and massage techniques to help you maintain Optimal health and fitness long into an advanced age.