Neuropathy relief with Acupuncture!
Neuropathy can show up in the hands or feet typically following a illness or injury. Spinal nerve impingement, diabetes, chemotherapy, peripheral vascular disease and Peripheral arterial disease all may cause neuropathy in the extremities. Numbness,pain,tingling, extreme cold or heat sensations all may be symptoms of neuropathy.
There are very limited and unsuccessful medications prescribed for neuropathy such as neurontin (gabapentin), lyrica, and even hydrocodone. The root of the neuropathy needs to be discovered before a successful treatment can be utilized.
Acupuncture has been found to alleviate many types of neuropathy. Acupuncture works by increasing blood flow and circulation to the extremities, vasodilator mechanisms, decreasing inflammation, and assisting the body to detox. Acupuncture is safe treatment option for all types of neuropathy.
Bao T, Seidman AD, Piulson L, et al. A phase IIA trial of acupuncture to reduce chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy severity during neoadjuvant or adjuvant weekly paclitaxel chemotherapy in breast cancer patients. Eur J Cancer. 2018;101:12-19.
Zhi WI, Ingram E, Li SQ, Chen P, Piulson L, Bao T. Acupuncture for Bortezomib-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy: Not Just for Pain. Integr Cancer Ther. 2018;:1534735418788667.