Category: Chinese Medicine

Early-stage Breast Cancer: No Treatment IS Treatment

Lao Tze teaches us to do nothing in order to achieve more. He calls it wuwei (无为), or non-doing. In the original phrase of Chinese, it literally means ‘doing nothing’. “In the U.S., many women with breast cancer are …

Nobel Prize Awarded to Chinese Herbal Medicine Researcher!

Scientist Youyou Tu was awarded the nobel prize in medicine for her work on the malarial curing medicine, Artemisinin. She discovered this compound from the Chinese herb Artemisia annua (qinghaosu 青蒿素), or sweet wormwood, which was documented over 1,700 years ago. “Tu …

The silent killer! A Chinese Medicine view of High blood pressure

The American Society of Hypertension reports that 1 in 3 Americans have high blood pressure and more than have of them do not have it under control. Why is this a problem? High blood pressure is the leading …

Acupuncture & Cardiology

Cardiology was a major focus of my doctoral studies. Utilizing evidence-based medical research, studies have found that Acupuncture is effective in lowering high blood pressure and helpful in preventing many types of strokes. Acupuncture can be a safe …

What’s a DAOM?

A Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine is a degree conferred after completing 2 years of course work, clinic, thesis, and research. My program specialized in Sports medicine/orthopedics, Cardiology, Oncology, Women’s Health, and Immunology. Only 1% of acupuncturists …