Acupuncture for Low Back Pain Relief!
Acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment for low back pain. The American College of Physicians recently updated the 2017 clinical guidelines for treating low back pain. The new recommendations are to try modalities such as Acupuncture, massage, and tai chi first, before medications. Opiod addiction is a national epidemic and physicians are trying to decrease “pain killer” prescriptions for back pain. The new guidelines also note that acetaminophen (tylenol) provided no relief for low back pain.
Acupuncture works by activating your natural pain killers, endorphins, serotonin and enkephalins. Acupuncture also brings new circulation to areas of pain to reduce inflammation and stimulate natural healing. Sciatica, pinched nerve, bulging disc, muscle spasms, vertebrae subluxations, or post- back surgery are good candidates for acupuncture therapy.
I treat many professional athletes here in Coeur d’Alene for low back pain and other injuries. Triathletes and weekend warriors all experience back pain at some point in their training. Acupuncture provides a safe and drug free therapy for all types of pain and injuries. If you or someone you know are experiencing low back pain, please consider acupuncture as a first line therapy!