
Acupuncture has been used in Asia for over 5,000 years. Until the early 20th century, Acupuncture was the main form of medicine used to treat all ailments in China. From cancer to the common cold, millions of people every year turned to Acupuncture and herbal medicine. After the last Emperor of China left the throne in 1911, European methods of medical treatment started to percolate into Chinese healthcare.

Today, Acupuncture is still used in almost half of all the hospitals in China. While in residency there, Dr. Gores saw the harmony of Eastern and Western medicine help thousands of patients. It was considered a method of primary care on a routine basis. For example, it would be standard procedure for a patient to get an x-ray, and then come to the Orthopedic Acupuncture clinic for immediate treatment.

Acupuncture is part of a complete holistic health care system, and provides safe and effective treatment for both acute and chronic disease. It enhances the body’s innate ability to heal itself, improving overall physiological function and promoting emotional wellbeing. Acupuncture is also used as preventative medicine, strengthening immunity and supporting overall health. Many acute health issues will see a difference after just one or two treatments. But as with any medical treatment model, long-term or chronic issues will take time and commitment to treatment for complete healing.  Dr. Gores practices acupuncture in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.